Craft a open source custom terminal IDE using Iterm2, Fish, Tmux, Nvim, Lua and many more plugins within Nvim or in the terminal hood. Heavily focuses on the Lua language, LSP and Neovim config environment in the development process.
This terminal can do what ever most of IDE can do and the best part of this is you can create your own spesific feat or tweak whatever you like, binding as much as you want. And of course because of this, this thing became my main IDE.
Most of the inspiration comes from Takuya blog/ hrsh7th creator of nvim-cmp / and the creator of lspsaga, glepnir and also shout-out for all my friends in NVIM / VIM community for help me a lot. Here are preview of some examples features.
- PlatformMacos /Linux
- StackIterm2, Fish, Tmux, Lua, Nvim & more...
- BlogpostStill in draft